Chocolate Fudge Cake With Rose Bouquet


Surprise your loved ones with a delightful gesture that combines the rich indulgence of a decadent chocolate fudge cake and the timeless elegance of a beautiful rose bouquet. Paired with this delicious cake is a handpicked assortment of fresh, fragrant roses in a vibrant bouquet. Each bloom is carefully selected to convey your heartfelt emotions, making it a thoughtful and visually stunning gift. This Combo includes: 2-lbs Chocolate Fudge Cake From Renowned Bakery And A Medium-Size Rose Bouquet.
Note 1: The cake stand is not included with the cake.
Note 2: Some bakeries make this cake in another design, so we will not be responsible if this cake design is changed.

Note 3: The color of the special paper wrapped on the bouquet may vary depending on availability.

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Chocolate Fudge Cake With Rose Bouquet.

  • This Combo Includes: 2-lbs Chocolate Fudge Cake From Renowned Bakery And A Medium-Sized Rose Bouquet.
  • The cake stand is not included with the cake.
  • Some bakeries make this cake in another design, so we will not be responsible if this cake design is changed.
  • The color of the special paper wrapped on the bouquet may vary depending on availability.
  • Same-day delivery is available.
  • Actual product may vary from the picture shown here.
  • 2–3 working days advance ordering is required.
  • This product is accessible in all major metropolitan areas.
  • Except Karachi, other cities’ delivery charges will be calculated based on the distance traveled.

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Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Islamabad / Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Other Cities, Peshawar


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